Sometime, in early twenty-twenty, I decided to relinquish Facebook and Instagram.
I haven't any resentment toward social media, I just couldn't shake the urge to regain some sense of my anonymity back. I wanted to recalculate, and reconfigure what parts of my life I felt comfortable with sharing. A reset; a spring cleaning. Personally, it's been a beautiful breakup. I only have the one regret. I haven't been able to regularly share Olivia with those that desire to be connected. We've gone quiet, especially given the current pandemic.
I've been floating the idea of a website since Olivia's diagnosis in twenty-nineteen, but I couldn't truly get my head around it. I still don't have a format; all I have is a desire.
My desire for this website is to (first and foremost) provide an opportunity for our family and friends to accompany Olivia's journey.
The somber truth is that our time with Olivia is undoubtably limited, yet I believe her to have a profound affect on those who come to meet her.
Officially, I'm a mother to a child with special needs. A special needs mom.
I feel, though, that every child has an ensemble of special needs. I've experienced this first hand with my typical developing fifteen year old. No two parenting strategies are alike; not in delivery nor in their reception.
So, to those who are not intimately acquainted with our little family, welcome!
And if you're a special needs parent, I hope this website provides to you an air of familiarity.
Here's a you are not alone hug. Because you're not, not truly.
There are numerous families experiencing the unfathomable love, incomprehensible joys, incalculable heartaches, and incomputable losses of human impermanence...over and over.
Life is both a tragedy, and a comedy.
It's a story of love, and loss.
Mostly, if you're still breathing, it's a story of resilience.
Olivia is a little flicker of light in this world.
This little light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine...
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine...